Friday, December 8, 2006

On to some Music: Review of Doctor's Advocate

First and foremost, The Engineer does not like The Game. It is more of a preferential dislike then anything else - The Engineer PREFERS not to listen to rappers that spend most of their time dishing out disrespect for posturing purposes. That being said, Doctor's Advocate is a pretty good album.
It is almost shameful to admit this album was much eaiser to listen to then Jay-z's sad attempt of a comeback. What makes this album, however, is not The Game, it is the inspired production that shines the most. The track "Wouldn't Get Far", would not have gone far at all if it were not for Kanye's Midas touch. The Game takes a great theme for a song (the limits and cost of a career video vixen/pin-up) and spends more time expelling insults at every lovely lady of the B-Celeb status. What was said in "Wouldn't Get Far" needed to be said by a rapper, but harsh honesty should always be balanced with respect - although some of it was pretty funny. Lyrics aside, as said before, Kanye's master production is what makes this track enjoyable. The same can be said about one of the most critically acclaimed songs on the album, "Compton" - shows his hit-making genius in full form. can take anyone that can sing or rhyme and turn them into a star (The Engineer is looking at you, Fergie).
The album in its entirety is an audio treat of true Californian Gangsta Rap that The Game happens to be rhyming on. Listeners that feed into the more-gangsta-than-a-pitbull-on-crack image that The Game is trying to portray, will love it. Those that can enjoy an extremely well produced album for its music, will like it. Anyone else should consider something else.

My last trip to DC

I decided to make a statement with my friends about how I feel about the FCC. . .

MMPAS: An Introduction

Movies, Music, Politics, and such. Those are my interests. I will use this blog to spread my thoughts on these interests (and many more, hence the 'and such') around the world. I hope you find my thoughts humorous and intriguing.